Bella's Lullaby

Bella's Lullaby

  • Big Band

  • Features Flugelhorn (or Alto Sax, Tenor Sax)

  • Grade 3.5

  • Total time ≈ 6’ 00’’

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Bella’s Lullaby was originally a homework assignment for one of my composition classes. I later thought, “Why not re-arrange this and make it for big band?” , so I decided to work it for big band featuring the Flugelhorn.

“But who’s Bella?” you may ask? Well, Bella is my dog. She’s a GSP (German Short-haired Pointer) and she the sweetest dog I have ever been around. She’s always laying next to me, accompanying me whenever I’m in my office writing or working on stuff. She just sits there quietly and looks at me with adoring eyes that I can’t resist! So this tune is about her, representing how she makes me feel and how I feel about her.